most forms of tendonitis (except Rotator cuff tendonitis) including,tennis elbow, writer's cramp and Achilles' tendon. . This product is registered with the FDA as a safe and effective homeopathic formula with no side effects and it's non habit forming. Our formulas are lactose free made in the USA manufactured in a FDA supervised laboratory using state of the art manufacturing methods. Just dissolve 7 pellets under the tongue once daily between meals until vial is complete or as your Naturopathic physician directs you. We recommend taking the mineral manganese twice weekly for about a year after this formula, this will promote the good health of your tendons. This product has a 1 month guarantee. This product has had success in some cases with Dupuytren's contracture. Dupuytren's contracture have been reduced in varying degrees many say that the knot reduced in size and the sensitivity was reduced.Some have said it has slowed the progression of this condition.These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease
1 month ago
5 days ago