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Product ID: 150352698
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Ronseal Garden Paint has been designed to add colour to the whole garden, and not just on wood. It can also be used on other garden substrates such as metal (Primer may be needed), terracotta, brick and stone. Garden paint adds colour, waterproofs, and improves water repellence. Its high solid content leads to a high film build and longer lasting protection. It is rainproof in 1 hour and will resist cracking and peeling. Available in many colours. 1 x Ronseal Garden Paint Charcoal Grey 750ml It does what it says on the tin. Their aim at Ronseal is always to provide products that meet exactly your requirements; that is why they spend a lot of time listening to what you have to say. They then take that feedback into their R D Laboratories, and using the very latest technological advancements, they can then deliver innovative new products and the quality service for your DIY and project needs. This is an ongoing process and, coupled with their no-nonsense advertising and marketing, and their extensive consumer education, these innovative new product developments will continue to help them lead in their product categories, meeting and exceeding your requirements in the future.

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Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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Pooja R.

The customer service exceeded my expectations. Perfect for buying products you can't find elsewhere.

1 week ago

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