Everest Media Solutions RJ45 Cat7 & Cat6A Pass Through Connectors - 30 Pcs, 50UM Gold Plated Shielded FTP/STP External Ground for 23 AWG Network Cable
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Everest Media Solutions RJ45 Cat7 & Cat6A Pass Through Connectors - 30 Pcs, 50UM Gold Plated Shielded FTP/STP External Ground for 23 AWG Network Cable

Product ID: 149988896
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Tired of constantly replacing corroded and faulty RJ45 connectors? You have availed of the fastest internet connection service offered so you can watch all your favorite shows and play online games without lag or drops. Despite this, you still experience data interruptions or poor connections - all brought about by a rusty and damaged Ethernet connector. If you are looking to make the most out of your lightning-fast Internet plan, you have to ditch ordinary RJ45 plugs. What you want is a plug that easily resists moisture, rust, and corrosion. Solve your Ethernet plug frustrations by choosing a Gold Plated Cat7/6a Ftp/Stp Connector. Our Ethernet cable plug shows off a pass through feature, which allows you to view and check the order of your cable before you crimp the wire. This saves you time and effort, as it minimizes wire-crimping errors and mistakes. This Cat7/6a connector features 8P8C FTP shielding, which promises improved data transmission and better signal strength when compared to unshielded plugs. If you are using ordinary Ethernet plugs, these can easily get rusty over time, especially when they get exposed to moisture and humidity. Our gold-plated connectors last longer against corrosion, so you never have to keep regularly replacing plugs. General Instructions: 1. Once you discover the wires, you will need to transfer them through the guide. In order to do that, its recommended to transfer the inside wires one by one, starting with the lower ones (the whites), then the upper ones (the colored)2. Once its all went through, you will straighten the wires, making them as straight as possible in order to easily slide the guide with ease.3. Look again that the wire are aligned, than cutting them in a straight line, leave the guide on the edge of the wires, then pass them through the connector holes.

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The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

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