Bellaplex is a superior anti-aging facial cream which contains the four most effective substances needed for real results. MatrixylTM 3000 stimulates human fibroblasts to increase collagen production. ArgirelineTM delivers superior anti-wrinkle results by feeding your skin with amino acids formulated to relax muscle fibers and smooth the skin to reduce the look of existing wrinkles. Hyaluronic Acid is virtually unmatched in hydrating the skin because of its ability to retain water more effectively than other natural substances. Collagen is what gives young skin its firmness. It’s a natural protein that provides our bodies with structural support. As we age, our body produces less & less collagen and we start to see our skin wrinkle and lose its youthful, vibrant glow. By utilizing Hydrolyzed Collagen, we replenish the collagen levels in our skin far faster and more robustly than with normal collagen supplementation, helping slow down the appearance of aging and reverse existing wrinkles.
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