ClearwaterCH0005 PH Plus Increaser for Swimming Pool and Spa Treatment & CH0025 Miracle Sponge Eraser Pad for Swimming Pool and Spa Treatment (Suitable for Lay-Z-Spa Products)
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ClearwaterCH0005 PH Plus Increaser for Swimming Pool and Spa Treatment & CH0025 Miracle Sponge Eraser Pad for Swimming Pool and Spa Treatment (Suitable for Lay-Z-Spa Products)

Product ID: 142625762
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Clearwater CH0005 PH Plus Increaser for Swimming Pool and Spa Treatmentp>Bestway Clearwater 1 kg pH Plus allows you to adjust your pools alkalinity with ease. Avoid the itchy eyes and irritated skin that are caused by a drop in the levels of pool acidity. The recommended pH balance of pool water is between 7.2 and 7.6 (you can test pH levels using Clearwater Dip Test Strips, which are available on the Bestway Chemicals section of the website). When pH levels drop below 7.2 acidity increases and pH treatment needs to be applied.Pool alkalinity can be altered by any number of factors: Leaves, insects, personal cosmetics. With the effects that too much or too little can have - the Bestway Clearwater 1 kg ph Plus is a should have chemical for any home pool set up.As with all chemical products, instructions and warnings should be followed and heeded very carefully.Clearwater CH0025 Miracle Sponge Eraser Pad for Swimming Pool and Spa Treatment (Suitable for Lay-Z-Spa Products)p>The Bestway Clearwater Miracle Pad is the utmost tool for keeping your pool or spa looking pristine. The sponge reacts to water and becomes rough and abrasive to easily clean even stubborn stains on the sides and bottom of pools and spas.Simply add water and you'll be able to wipe away dirt and grime in no time. No need to use potentially harmful chemicals when you don't have to - so no need to drain your spa or pool every time you want to clean it.Save yourself time and leave your pool looking ideal in not time with the Bestway Clearwater Miracle Pad.

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