STAEDTLER FIMO Soft Polymer Clay - -Oven Bake Clay for Modeling, Kids, Jewelry, Sculpting, 1 lb Block, Light Flesh 8021-43, 454 (8021-1LB-43)
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STAEDTLER FIMO Soft Polymer Clay - -Oven Bake Clay for Modeling, Kids, Jewelry, Sculpting, 1 lb Block, Light Flesh 8021-43, 454 (8021-1LB-43)

Product ID: 142108258
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If you can think it, you can make it in FIMO! Imagine producing keychains, little boxes and baskets, hair clips, earrings, notebook covers, placemats, pendants, fantasy sculptures and, well, more! It's all within reach with FIMO special craft clay. A blend of art, quality and fun, as only Staedtler can make it. Enjoy hours of absorbing, artistic crafting play, without having to worry about hardening or breaking. FIMO stays soft and pliable no matter if you leave it out for days, or work it for hours. Then, finalize your art right in your home oven. (We recommend a dedicated countertop oven if you'll be doing a lot of crafting). Notes and suggestions: FIMO can be sanded and polished Already hardened FIMO elements can be baked multiple times for projects that require multiple hardening passes The hardened clay can be varnished with special FIMO paints or painted with suitable pens or acrylic and oil paints FIMO should only be washed by hand, not in dishwashers. Dishwashing detergent is too harsh and can harm the material. Holes for FIMO jewellery and beads can either be made with a needle before hardening or drilled with a hand drill after hardening. Broken FIMO parts can be easily attached again using super glue

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