40” Wide Ducted Fume Hood, Exhaust Hood for Laboratory Fume Control, Chemical Fumes, Pharmaceutical Compounding, 3D Printing, and other Fumes/Odors
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40” Wide Ducted Fume Hood, Exhaust Hood for Laboratory Fume Control, Chemical Fumes, Pharmaceutical Compounding, 3D Printing, and other Fumes/Odors

Product ID: 140393271
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Fume Control for a Variety of Processes: The 40” Wide Ducted Fume Hood, often identified as an exterior-ducting exhaust hood, is a very popular model among laboratories, pharmacies, manufacturing facilities, research & development departments, and a variety of additional environments that require a hooded enclosure for their current or new fan and ducting system. Ducted Fume Hoods are typically used during applications where filtration media may not be effective because of the volume of materials used or filter incompatibility. Typical uses include Solvent Vapor Control, Epoxy Fume Extraction, Powder & Capsule Filling Processes, Light Acid Etching Processes, Volatile Organic Use, Asbestos Particulate Control, and a variety of other processes that require exterior fume exhaust. Practical Design: The thoughtful design of these systems ensures that it is suitable for standard 24” deep countertops. High-Quality Materials: The standard materials used for this hood include a high-density polyethylene base, acrylic sides, and clear polycarbonate top and front lid. These materials were selected for their chemical and corrosion resistance and impact resistance. The 40” Wide Ducted Exhaust Hood can be an effective and economical tool for air quality enhancement in many commercial, chemical, medical, laboratory, and industrial applications. Please note: This unit does not come with ducting, fan, or vinyl curtains. Unit ships partially assembled, some assembly is required.

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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