Fujimi Model 1/700 Ship Next Series No. 6 Japanese Navy Battleship Hiei Color Coded Plastic Model Ship NX6
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Fujimi Model 1/700 Ship Next Series No. 6 Japanese Navy Battleship Hiei Color Coded Plastic Model Ship NX6

Product ID: 140128039
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Base change! A comparison that makes it easier to decorate. The product is based on the motif between the remodeling of the 15 and the third Solomon Sea Battle. The characteristic Yamato’s test bed has been recreated to accurately 3D the Kanbridge. The curve shape of the bow reflects the latest concepts. It has been reproduced in a remodeling figure to improve wave cutting performance only by Hiroshi. They are designed with snap-fit that does not require glue, and are designed to stand out from traditional kits. A plastic kit that can easily be used to lower the hurdles of the ship model to create a realistic look. The display base is a cool renewal. ~ Improved stability with a new cradle design. The base is also low center of gravity and increases footprint for stability. The bottom and hull parts are divided into a separate design, allowing you to select both western models and full hull models. The moulded color is gray, recreating the Kureko Yu color, and the wood deck is light beige, the linoleum top is dark brown, and the chimney top is black. Comes with realistic seals. Includes waterproof tarpaulin cloth, warship flag, first aid materials wood, etc. It is easy to show the color of the details. The sticker includes a service recording, including the turret on the air identification date of the turret during the sea-faring warfare and the Chuchan Flag (there are no cutouts). The Ship NEXT series is a plastic kit that makes the ship model more easy to build and realistic. Each part is color-coded so no painting is required. The partition method is used to make the parts discreetly matched. A snap kit that does not require glue. Comes with stickers that reproduce the color-coding of small parts. If you remove the water line, you can recreate the western model. This product is manufactured in Japan. This is a plastic model kit that requires assembly. (From

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