TOTO SW2043R#12 C200 Electronic Bidet Toilet Cleansing Water, Heated Seat, Deodorizer, Warm Air Dryer, and PREMIST, Round, Sedona Beige
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TOTO SW2043R#12 C200 Electronic Bidet Toilet Cleansing Water, Heated Seat, Deodorizer, Warm Air Dryer, and PREMIST, Round, Sedona Beige

Product ID: 127470353
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✅ The TOTO WASHLET C200 Round Bidet Toilet Seat with PREMIST delivers ecology-minded luxury in a streamlined design. The WASHLET C200 is fully automated, featuring a soft rear spray, rear cleanse, and front cleanse with the option of an oscillating or pulsating stream. The controls are located on a slim, wireless remote. The PREMIST function sprays the bowl with water before each use, preventing waste buildup and keeping the toilet bowl clean. Newly resigned seat provides additional space and comfort across broader range of users. The wand is self-cleaning, automatically cleaning itself before and after every use. Features a heated SoftClose seat with five temperature settings. The temperature and pressure of the water are adjustable, each with five settings. Cleansing with soothing warm water is more comfortable than traditional toilet paper that can sometimes be rough. Built in air deodorizer and a warm air dryer with three temperature settings provide a more enjoyable experience. Using a WASHLET reduces the need for toilet paper, saving trees and water used to manufacture each roll. As we get older, our mobility can deteriorate and make it increasingly hard to clean ourselves after toileting. Medical conditions such as ALS, MS and other debilitating illnesses can make using the bathroom without assistance almost impossible, but with a WASHLET, just the touch of a button can leave you feeling clean. Includes mounting and connection hardware.✅

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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