Jack WolfskinWomen's Lakewood Ride Trekking and Hiking Sandals
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Jack WolfskinWomen's Lakewood Ride Trekking and Hiking Sandals

Product ID: 131946537
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Simply light and airy through the summer: our lakewood Ride band sandal is padded only in the most important areas with neoprene and has a particularly light, non-slip sole. So you are on a very light foot. And on any terrain - for your outdoor activities in the countryside, on water as well as in the city - the sporty sandal always gives you the necessary grip. Yaz boyunca kolay ve havadar: Lakewood Ride bantlı sandaletlerimiz sadece neoprene dolgulu ve özellikle hafif, rahat kavranan bir tabana sahiptir. Böylece çok hafif ayaklarda hareket edebilirsiniz. Ve her arazide - arazide, su ve şehirde - sportif sandaletler size her zaman gerekli tutuşu sağlar. Jednoduše lehké a vzdušné díky létě: naše sandály na ⁕emínku lakewood Ride jsou polstrované pouze na nejdějšch místech neoprenem a mají obzvláště lehkou a neklouzavou full-full-full-full-full-full-match. Tak jste na cestách na velmi lehkém chodidle. A na každém terénu – pěi outdoorových aktivách v terénu, ve vodě i ve městě – vám sportovní sandály vždy poskytnou pot⁕ebnou oporu. Simply light and airy through the summer: our lakewood ride band sandal is padded only in the most important areas with neoprene and has a particularly light, non-slip sole. So you are on a very light foot. And on any terrain - for your outdoor activities in the countryside, on water as well as in the city - the sporty sandal always gives you the necessary grip. Lekkie i przewiewne przez lato: nasze bandale lakewood Ride s✰ wyčcieùane neoprenem tylko w najwaåniejszych miejscach i majHSTN wyjętkowo lekkр, przyczepnž podeszwę. Dzięki temu jesteč na bardzo lekkiej stopie. A na kaza dym terenie - podczas aktywnočci na ěwiečym powietrzu w terenie, w wodzie oraz w mieęcie - sportowe sanda'y zawsze zapewniō Ci niezbędn✰ stabilnoꟷ

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