WEICONLOCK® an 302-43 | 50 ml | Screw locking device | Metal thread Adhesive | Drinking water area suitable | Higher viscosity Prevents loosening
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WEICONLOCK® an 302-43 | 50 ml | Screw locking device | Metal thread Adhesive | Drinking water area suitable | Higher viscosity Prevents loosening

Product ID: 129675133
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WEICONLOCK® AN 302-43 | Screw locking device PROCESSING: WEICONLOCK is applied evenly directly from the pen with the dosing tip; avoid direct contact between dosing tip and metal. For sealing applications, apply WEICONLOCK ring-shaped to the thread. Assemble and tighten the parts. Do not pour WEICONLOCK, which has already come into contact with metal, into the bottle. Even the smallest metal particles can be cured in the bottle. The use of dosing devices is therefore recommended in series production. The dosing tip allows optimum dosing of the adhesive. Nach already 10-20 minutes it achieves hand strength and best results. In order to achieve optimum results, the parts to be assembled should be degreased and cleaned. WEICONLOCK can also be used on uncleaned surfaces, e.g. screws as supplied. However, the cleaner the surface, the better the results achieved. STORAGE: WEICONLOCK can be stored for at least 24 months at room temperature in sealed original containers. Avoid heat sources and direct sunlight. The air content in the pen will make WEICONLOCK liquid. SAFETY AND HEALTH: The WEICONLOCK is certified by the DIN-DVGW Prüfzeichen for the anaerobic sealant WEICONLOCK® AN 302-43 in gas systems . In addition, it meets the Prime certificate for WEICONLOCK® AN 302-43 that the requirements of the KTW recommendations (drinking water) of the Federal Health Office are met in the area of seal D2.

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