Colour Name:Gold The CellBee® Homebutton Sticker 2.0 will get rid of the height different between the display-protector and you iPhone. You will be able to use the Touch-Id like you were before and your finger print will be recognized. The CellBee® Home Button Sticker 2.0 has a strong adhesive on the backside which will cause it to stick perfectly to your iPhone. You will also be able to take it off without any glue being left behind. You can use the iPhone/iPad Home Button Sticker for any Apple device that has a home button. The height difference will be gone and the will be no sharp edges any more. If you bought our CellBee® The Curved Display-Protector you won’t need to buy and extra one as it’s being shipped with one. Shipment: 1x CellBee® Home Button Sticker 2.0
3 weeks ago
1 day ago