Sand Paper Pistol Grips Peel and Stick Grip Enhancements for the Glock Gen 3/Gen 4 Models: 17, 22, 31, 34, 35, 37
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Sand Paper Pistol Grips Peel and Stick Grip Enhancements for the Glock Gen 3/Gen 4 Models: 17, 22, 31, 34, 35, 37

Product ID: 12518360
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The firearm in the picture is NOT for sale! It is shown only to demonstrate what the grip enhancements look like when they are installed on a pistol. Usage/Applications: *SRG70 - This is the best handgun gripping material ever made, bar none. It is hybrid material made from grip tape covered with synthetic rubber using a special process. Best for competition, plinking, shooting at the range. Can be used for concealed carry, but not next to bare skin. *RAW 80 Grit ("Sand Paper"/Grit Grip Tape) - Great for competition, plinking, shooting at the range. The grit style texture is not the best choice for concealed carry, because the grit is abrasive to skin and clothing. *Black Textured Rubber - Good for any situation including competition, plinking, shooting at the range, and concealed carry. One might not be very impressed when first taking the grip material out of the package, but after they are applied to the grip of your handgun, their gripping properties will become very evident. Give them a chance and we guarantee that you will not be disappointed. You are not necessarily paying for just material. You are paying for technology and improved functionality and handling!

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Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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