Stitch in Ditch Foot/Edge Joining Foot Sewing Machine Presser Foot - Fits All Low Shank Snap-On Singer, Brother, Babylock, Janome, Kenmore, White, Juki, New Home, Simplicity, Elna etc.

Product ID: 123781629


Sewing made seamless! ✂️ Achieve flawless seams with reference marks for accuracy. Centered blade design ensures perfect alignment along fabric edges. Ideal for decorative stitches and lace edgings, unleash your creativity! Fits a wide range of low shank sewing machines effortlessly. Easily join fabrics, even delicate sheers, with confidence. Precision reference marks High-quality metal Universal low shank fit The Stitch in Ditch Foot is a high-quality presser foot designed for low shank sewing machines, allowing for precise edge joining and decorative stitching. Its metal construction ensures durability, while reference marks enhance accuracy, making it perfect for both novice and experienced sewists.

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