Do you speak Chinese? No. Of course you don't. No one does. Except for the billion or so people that do. But are you going to encounter them throughout your day? No. Probably not. Unless you live in China. But if you don't live in China, you can be the coolest person ever with your brand new, super hip, "Wo ye bu zhi dao" t-shirt. Why? Because random Chinese characters are mad chill. What do all these characters mean? You don't know? Wo ye bu zhi dao. Actually, wo zhi dao, but you don't, and that's why it's good. Wearing this super dank t-shirt, you can ask any non-Chinese speaker, "Hey, do you know what this shirt says?" They will inevitably say, "No, bro, I don't speak Chinese." And you, the witty retort master, can say, "Wo ye bu zhi dao." And they'll say, "Dude, I'm not amused. It's 8 am, and I have to go to work. Take my money, pour my coffee, and stop talking to me." That's called winning. And even if you do happen to speak the most spoken language in the world, this t-shirt lets you empathize with all of humanity in an instant. What's the meaning of life? Wo ye bu zhi dao. Why does the sky exist? Wo ye bu zhi dao. Who other than you likes to put ketchup in their yogurt? Wo ye bu zhi dao. The "wo ye bu zhi dao" t-shirt is a marvel in engineering because it says all the right things to all the right people, all the time. The key to life is remaining humble, and now, you don't even need to open up your obviously compassionate mouth to tell the world how compassionate you are. You just have to get dressed in the morning (...and put on this shirt). I smell Humanitarian Of The Year award. Why? Because anything is possible when you don't know what you're doing. Like, why is this product being sold? Who would buy a shirt like this even though they don't know what it says? Why haven't you searched the internet yet and figured out what these characters mean? That's right, wo ye bu zhi dao.
2 months ago
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