Cat Tailer Cat Tracker - Small and Lightweight Waterproof Bluetooth Pet Collar Attachment, 328 foot Range, Replaceable 6 Month Battery Life, Android/Apple iOS Compatible
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Cat Tailer Cat Tracker - Small and Lightweight Waterproof Bluetooth Pet Collar Attachment, 328 foot Range, Replaceable 6 Month Battery Life, Android/Apple iOS Compatible

Product ID: 119473854
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The easy, reliable solution that tails your cat, Cat Tailer! Do you have trouble finding your cat when you want her to come inside? Does your cat wander off and ignore your calls? Cat Tailer broadcasts a very low energy wireless homing beacon that is picked up by your smartphone. Based on the strength of the signal, the Cat Tailer smartphone application determines APPROXIMATELY how far you are from your pet. Cat Tailer is NOT GPS. It does not provide exact information about the precise location of your pet. Rather, Cat Tailer is an effective method for finding your pet within your yard or neighborhood. Cat Tailer will you search the approximate area for your furry friend. Operating without GPS, Cat Tailer is small and lightweight (unlike pet GPS locators) and will not slow your pet's natural movements. Cat Tailer has a very long, 6 month battery life since it does not support a battery-wasting GPS! *Our application does require location services to be active all the time. This is a requirement of the smartphone operating system and is not our requirement. If you are unhappy with the performance of your device, please directly contact us and we will work with you until you and your pet are pleased!

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Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

3 weeks ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

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