The legendary Orson Welles hosts thirteen mysterious tales from this much sought-after anthology series. Showcasing a haunting theme by John Barry, these macabre often supernatural dramas feature an astonishing array of talent, including Rupert Davies, Eli Wallach, Michael Kitchen, Patrick Magee, Donald Pleasence, Peter Cushing, Susannah York, Michael Gambon, Julie Dawn Cole, Kenneth Haigh, Harry Andrews, Dinsdale Landen, Christopher Lee, Jane Seymour and Ian Holm. The episodes featured on this set including classic tales from Wilkie Collins, W.W. Jacobs, Honoré de Balzac, Charles Dickens and Arthur Conan Doyle are: A Terribly Strange Bed Compliments of the Season The Ingenious Reporter The Monkey's Paw Captain Rogers For Sale - Silence La Grande Breteche An Affair of Honour In the Confessional The Furnished Room Under Suspicion The Leather Funnel Trial for Murder