Bestway Hurricane Tunnel Blast Inflatable Water Park Play Center | Includes Big Water Slide, Water Blob, Climbing Wall, and Pool Area | Outdoor Summer Fun for Kids & Families
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Bestway Hurricane Tunnel Blast Inflatable Water Park Play Center | Includes Big Water Slide, Water Blob, Climbing Wall, and Pool Area | Outdoor Summer Fun for Kids & Families

Product ID: 117067087
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The turbo splash water zone Mega park is an extravagant inflatable space for sliding, climbing and exploring. The park features a collection of fun features. Use the climbing wall down to scale up or down. The tower of the Park is protected with mesh safety walls to prevent falls without being an annoyance. Ride down the slide with high barrier walls and stability air chamber at the bottom for the perfect slide, every time. The slide leads to a shallow but extra large water Pool for a splash landing. Even further, kids will love soaking friends with the built-in, point and spay water blaster. A water dispenser periodically dumps out water, A fun surprise for kids that also keeps the slide wet. Don't worry about kids tracking in mud or water, use the mesh shoe storage area to keep shoes dry and conveniently located. The park is constructed to meet all ASTM safety standards with PVC-coated polyester material that is durable but provides a comfortable feel and touch for kids. Included heavy-duty 110-120V blower with GFCI safety plug inflates the water park in less than two minutes. In addition to the blower and park, This product comes with two blower stakes and eight Bouncer stakes so the park is secured at all times. Lastly, use the anchor bag for dry storage and heavy-duty repair kit If any punctures occur.

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

2 weeks ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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