Mass Vision 'The Wind Breaker' Sport Wrap Polarized Bifocal Sunglasses for Men and Women
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Mass Vision 'The Wind Breaker' Sport Wrap Polarized Bifocal Sunglasses for Men and Women

Product ID: 107604406
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If you have difficulty seeing objects that are close as well as objects that are far, polarized bifocal sunglasses may be the perfect solution. Rather than having to constantly switch out glasses based on whether or not you're trying to read, bifocals contain split lenses that allow for distance vision and reading vision that are perfect for outdoor use. Wear these sun readers outdoors while reading, driving, or playing sports! A superb yet practical pairing of updated styling and casual functionality, Mass Vision sunglasses frames use advanced TR90 (thermoplastic) material that is lightweight, flexible, resistant to cracking and stands well against extreme temperatures. The frames are equipped with impact resistant, polycarbonate polarized lenses which provide 100% UV protection and our shatterproof. Protecting your eyes and enhancing your attitude is our priority Extremely lightweight frame: You can hardly feel them on your face. TR90 frames offer the most comfortable fit available today in addition to unparalleled durability. Great sport casual design for golf, cycling, running, fishing and all active outdoor lifestyles. 100% UV protection lens + Polarization for ultimate glare protection. FEATURES AND BENEFITS ✓ Fashion and stylish design ✓ Polarized gradient lens help restore true color ✓ Eliminates reflected and scattered glares ✓ Works good in wind and light rain ✓ Good for sports or other outdoor activities ✓ Soft pouch included

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