Pet Memory Frame Personalized Dog Memorial Gifts (4x6 Photo) w/ “Paw Prints” Custom Message on Rustic Alder Wood for Loving Memorabilia Picture of Deceased & RIP (6x8 Size)
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Pet Memory Frame Personalized Dog Memorial Gifts (4x6 Photo) w/ “Paw Prints” Custom Message on Rustic Alder Wood for Loving Memorabilia Picture of Deceased & RIP (6x8 Size)

Product ID: 105972280
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Friends and family tell us how loved one's faces light up when they see the picture of their best friend in this stunning alder wood frame.And this personalized frame has become a treasured keepsake for those who have lost a cherished family pet, service dog, or even a K9 in the line of duty.As you select from the 8 frame options you will see how each elegant frame is engraved with 1 of 8 available quotes:◆ "You left your paw prints forever in our hearts"◆ "You left your paw prints forever in my heart"◆ “I will love you always & forever”◆ “We will love you always & forever”◆ "Forever in my heart"◆ "Forever our friend"◆ "Forever my friend"◆ "Forever in our hearts"The weight and feel of your frame tells you it is made of real wood and glass - no cheap laminates that chip away or peel off, and no plastic picture covers that yellow or haze.Instead, you get an artfully engraved memorial on an elegant  6" x 8" rustic Alder frame that will beautifully compliment any décor.Plus, the rugged backing keeps photos wrinkle-free, and quickly accepts your 4x6 picture (no trimming needed), so your loved one's face shines through every morning to greet you.The etched quote is a touching way to faithfully honor the memory of your loved one who has passed on.You can now personalize your frame by adding the name of your loved one, along with dates as you finalize your order -- choose any date-style (ie. 1999 - 2018 - or - May 24, 1999 - June 3, 2018).PLEASE be sure to add the correct spelling and dates in the notes/custom field so we can properly engrave this a one-of-a-kind memorial for your one-of-a-kind friend.

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