Pukka Organic Tea Bags Gift Set, Love Herbal Tea with Chamomile, Rose and Lavender, 20 Count (Pack of 6) 120 Tea Bags
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Pukka Organic Tea Bags Gift Set, Love Herbal Tea with Chamomile, Rose and Lavender, 20 Count (Pack of 6) 120 Tea Bags

Product ID: 105107890
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This is nature's Gift of fair wild flowers that will Love you every step of the way. A tender touch of rose fills your heart. The soft embrace of chamomile and lavender soothe your soul. It's true: Love changes everything. To Love. Every Pukka plastic-free tea bag comes in its own recyclable envelope to retain the essential oils in our Organic herbs. Each bag has two chambers, allowing these incredible herbs to flow and release the full potency in your cup. To help the flavors to fully disperse, pour boiling water directly on the bag. Every herb loves the water, so leave them to steep for the perfect brew. Infuse for up to 15 minutes. Boiling just the water you need helps make every cup of Pukka tea as sustainable as it can be. Good news for filling your heart with Love. At Pukka, our heartfelt desire is to create a healthier, happier world through the incredible power of organic herbs. We hope you feel inspired to discover more about yourself and the beautiful planet on which we all live. Doing good things helps make good things happen. We create things that help you, help nature and everything in-between. It’s called conservation through Commerce – striving to positively change the world for you, business And the planet. We are a B Corp organization, giving back 1% for the planet, fair for Life and fair wild certified. If you enjoy Love, why not discover, Tulsi clarity, three chamomile, chamomile, vanilla & Manuka Honey, relax, night time.

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