If you are a enjoy man for your life, this over the bathtub rack is one of the best bathroom accessories choice. Of course, you can as a gift to your friends. Why choose this bath caddy? Follow Features: -- Made of durable food grade stailess steel, rust resistant. -- Suitable for most bathtub, we suggest less than 33.3 inches width. -- With book rack, candlestick, wine glass holder, best enjoy and relax your life. -- Extended handle, adjust to desirable width size for bathtub. -- Carton box package, best gift choice for friends, family, relatives and co-worker etc. There may be cheaper options on but those will be made from chrome or a cheap stainless steel that will, within a few weeks, turn into a rusty mess. The handles are coated in a rubber material which will avoid your caddy from sliding around on the edge of your tub. In the middle of the caddy, you will find an adjustable book/iPad stand. Hold two wine glasses firmly. Perfect for your honeymoon, anniversary or date night with glasses of champagne. Bathtub caddy size: 22.2 x 6.3 x 2.6 inches What's in the box: 1 x Bathtub caddy 2 x Extending bars 1 x Book holder 1 x Candlestick 1 x Wine glass holder
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