Gravwell Escape From The 9th Dimension Board Game
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Gravwell Escape From The 9th Dimension Board Game

Product ID: 10245188
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Product Description After being pulled through a black hole, four spaceships find themselves in a dimension with physics never before encountered and without fuel. By mining and collecting basic elements from the space dust and asteroids in the area, you can muster just enough thrust to move your ship. But in this bizarre dimension, gravity is not working like how you’ve been taught. Your ship will typically travel towards the nearest object… which is usually another ship… and those ships are moving. Sometimes forwards, and sometimes backwards.  Time is running out to save your crew and your ship! as a Grim reminder of the cost of failing to escape, the Frozen hulks of Dead spacecraft litter the escape route. But with careful card play, you can slingshot past these derelict craft and be the first to escape from the Gravwell! From the Manufacturer After being pulled through a black hole, four spaceships find themselves in a dimension with physics never before encountered and without fuel. By mining and collecting basic elements from the space dust and asteroids in the area, players can muster just enough thrust to move their ships. But in this bizarre dimension, gravity does not work as we've been taught. and time is running out to save your crew and your ship. As a grim reminder of the cost of failing to escape, the frozen hulks of dead spacecraft litter the escape route. This easy to learn game uses 26 alphabetized cards to determine movement order and thrust. Gravwell is an adventure that is out of this world.

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