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ChoiceMMed Fingertip Pulse Oximeter - MD300CN330 Oxygen Monitor Fingertip - Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor with OLED display, Pulse bar, Pulse blood Oxygen SPO2 & PR Measurement, CE, FDA Approved
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ChoiceMMed Fingertip Pulse Oximeter - MD300CN330 Oxygen Monitor Fingertip - Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor with OLED display, Pulse bar, Pulse blood Oxygen SPO2 & PR Measurement, CE, FDA Approved

Product ID: 102409440
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ChoiceMMed pulse oximeter is a portable non-invasive monitor. As a small, compact, simple, reliable and durable physiological monitoring device, easy to carry anywhere and operate with its user friendly functions. It is widely applied in clinic, hospital, social medical organization and homecare. WHO “clinically management of sever acute respiratory infection when novel corona virus (COVID-19) infection is suspected” It is with European CE and USFDA approval, which assure accurate way to check blood oxygen saturation levels and pulse rate in your day to day life. Choicemmed pulse oximeter presence in around 80 countries globally. Choicemmed pulse oximeter is well known brand all over the world for its high accuracy levels, international quality standard and users trust. Choicemmed pulse oximeter owing to the remarkable quality and bagged many international CErtification, patents and intellectual property rights. Warranty of product is subject to terms and condition as on our website and warranty card. Breakage of pulse oximeter, drops to the floor, water damage, wear and tear, batteries excluded from warranty. For service issue customer need to send pulse oximeter to our service CEntre for repair and our support department promptly look after all customer queries. Please do not attempt to repair pulse oximeter yourself/unauthorized repair will void warranty. Disclaimer - product is meant to track your health record and only for monitoring purpose. Any health related information provided is for informational purpose only and should not be used to replace the advice of healthcare professional/doctor/your physician.

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Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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Reema J.

Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

1 month ago

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