Exclusive Peter Smagorinsky Deals and Offers
From timeless classics to modern breakthroughs—discover what Peter Smagorinsky has in store.
Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Teacher Education and Development: Learning Teaching
Creativity and Community among Autism-Spectrum Youth: Creating Positive Social Updrafts through Play and Performance (Palgrave Studies In Play, Performance, Learning, and Development)
The Dynamics of Writing Instruction: A Structured Process Approach for Middle and High School 1st Edition
Teaching Dilemmas and Solutions in Content-Area Literacy, Grades 6-12
Reflective Teaching, Reflective Learning: How to Develop Critically Engaged Readers, Writers, and Speakers
Teaching Literacy in Troubled Times: Identity, Inquiry, and Social Action at the Heart of Instruction (Corwin Literacy)
Unit Design in the ELA Classroom
Vygotsky and Literacy Research: A Methodological Framework
Teaching Dilemmas and Solutions in Content-Area Literacy, Grades 6-12
Writing with Power, Grade 9
Learning to Teach English and the Language Arts: A Vygotskian Perspective on Beginning Teachers’ Pedagogical Concept Development
Dismantling the Disabling Environments of Education: Creating New Cultures and Contexts for Accommodating Difference (Disability Studies in Education)
Teaching English by Design, Second Edition: How to Create and Carry Out Instructional Units