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Enjoy special offers on top-rated Jane Davis items before they’re gone.
Beautiful Embroidered & Embellished Knits
Unlock Your Heart: Goal Setting From The Inside Out
The Beautiful Cure: Harnessing Your Body’s Natural Defences
Real Pink Collar Workers (Book One)
An Unknown Woman: Fire destroyed her present. Secrets destroyed her past.
Jane Long of Texas: 1798-1880
The Autobiography of Elizabeth Davis, a Balaclava Nurse, Daughter of Dafydd Cadwaladyr; Volume 2
Liberty in Jane Austen’s Persuasion
I Stopped Time: A Historical Novel
Knit Ponchos, Wraps & Scarves
An Unknown Woman: Fire destroyed her present. Secrets destroyed her past.
Cowboy Sally's Twilight Laments For Lost Buckaroos
21 Femmes d'exception: La vie de combattantes pour la liberté qui ont repoussé les frontières: Angela Davis, Marie Curie, Jane Goodall et bien ... et les adultes) (Emancipation Des Femmes)
The Complete Guide to Beading Techniques: 30 Decorative Projects (Beadwork Books)
Paediatric Radiology for MRCPCH and FRCR
21 Mulheres Excepcionais: A vida de Lutadores pela Liberdade e Rompedoras de Barreiras: Angela Davis, Marie Curie, Jane Goodall e outras (Livro ... jovens e adultos) (Empoderamento Feminino)
21 mujeres sorprendentes: Las vidas de las intrépidas que rompieron barreras y lucharon por la libertad: Angela Davis, Marie Curie, Jane Goodall y ... jóvenes y adultos) (Empoderamiento Femenino)
These Fragile Things: Life can change in a spilt second. And nothing you can do will stop it.
21 donne eccezionali: Le vite delle intrepidi donne che hanno combattuto per la libertà superando tutti i confini: Angela Davis, Marie Curie, Jane ... altre (libro biografico per ragazzi e adulti)
Liberty in Jane Austen’s Persuasion