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IMPCOPS Vetpalai Karunjeeraka Thailam - Siddha Medicine - Detoxify blood and useful in skin diseases like Psoriasis, 500 ml

IMPCOPS Vetpalai Karunjeeraka Thailam - Siddha Medicine - Detoxify blood and useful in skin diseases like Psoriasis, 500 ml

49 Br
IMPCOPS Aswagandha Churnam Tablet, Ayurveda, 100 tablets

IMPCOPS Aswagandha Churnam Tablet, Ayurveda, 100 tablets

3 Br
IMPCOPS Amukkara Churnam Mathirai, Siddha, 100 Nos

IMPCOPS Amukkara Churnam Mathirai, Siddha, 100 Nos

143 Br
IMPCOPS Thriphala Churnam, Ayurveda, 100 gm

IMPCOPS Thriphala Churnam, Ayurveda, 100 gm

2 Br
IMPCOPS Chyavanaprash Lehyam, Ayurvedic Medicine, 500 gm

IMPCOPS Chyavanaprash Lehyam, Ayurvedic Medicine, 500 gm

16 Br
IMPCOPS Neelibringadi (Ging.Oil) Thailam, Ayurveda, 100 ml

IMPCOPS Neelibringadi (Ging.Oil) Thailam, Ayurveda, 100 ml

142 Br
IMPCOPS Nisa Amalaki Churnam Tablet, Ayurveda, 500 Tablets

IMPCOPS Nisa Amalaki Churnam Tablet, Ayurveda, 500 Tablets

88 Br
IMPCOPS Danta Dhavana Churnam, Ayurveda, 100 gm

IMPCOPS Danta Dhavana Churnam, Ayurveda, 100 gm

147 Br
IMPCOPS Ksheerabala (101) Capsules, Ayurveda, 120 Capsules

IMPCOPS Ksheerabala (101) Capsules, Ayurveda, 120 Capsules

228 Br
IMPCOPS Sinduradi Lepam Tube, Ayurveda, 50 gm

IMPCOPS Sinduradi Lepam Tube, Ayurveda, 50 gm

31 Br
IMPCOPS Anti Hairfall Shampoo with Conditioner, 100 ml

IMPCOPS Anti Hairfall Shampoo with Conditioner, 100 ml

166 Br
IMPCOPS Aswagandhadi Lehyam, Ayurvedic Medicine, 500 gm

IMPCOPS Aswagandhadi Lehyam, Ayurvedic Medicine, 500 gm

226 Br
IMPCOPS Thriphala Churnam Tablet, Ayurveda, 100 Tablets

IMPCOPS Thriphala Churnam Tablet, Ayurveda, 100 Tablets

138 Br
IMPCOPS Vallarai Tablets, Siddha Medicine, 100 Nos

IMPCOPS Vallarai Tablets, Siddha Medicine, 100 Nos

145 Br
IMPCOPS Keezhanelli Tablets, Siddha Medicine, 100 Tablets

IMPCOPS Keezhanelli Tablets, Siddha Medicine, 100 Tablets

8 Br
IMPCOPS Mayana Thailam, Siddha, 30 Millilitres

IMPCOPS Mayana Thailam, Siddha, 30 Millilitres

162 Br
IMPCOPS Chyavanaprash Lehyam, Ayurvedic Medicine, 250 gm

IMPCOPS Chyavanaprash Lehyam, Ayurvedic Medicine, 250 gm

10 Br
IMPCOPS Kumkumadi Lepam, Ayurveda, 30 gm

IMPCOPS Kumkumadi Lepam, Ayurveda, 30 gm

179 Br
IMPCOPS Parangipattai Churnam Tablet, Siddha, 100 Nos

IMPCOPS Parangipattai Churnam Tablet, Siddha, 100 Nos

169 Br
IMPCOPS Matulanga Rasayanam, Ayurveda, 450 ml

IMPCOPS Matulanga Rasayanam, Ayurveda, 450 ml

216 Br
IMPCOPS Herbal Face Pack, 50 gm

IMPCOPS Herbal Face Pack, 50 gm

154 Br
IMPCOPS Raktha Chandan Soap, 75 gm

IMPCOPS Raktha Chandan Soap, 75 gm

2 Br
IMPCOPS Thaleesadi Churnam Tablet, Ayurveda, 100 Nos

IMPCOPS Thaleesadi Churnam Tablet, Ayurveda, 100 Nos

148 Br
IMPCOPS Madulai Manappagu - Siddha Medicine - Anaemia (Paandu), Burning sensation in Palms and Soles (Kai kaal erivu), Vomiting, 450 ml

IMPCOPS Madulai Manappagu - Siddha Medicine - Anaemia (Paandu), Burning sensation in Palms and Soles (Kai kaal erivu), Vomiting, 450 ml

200 Br
IMPCOPS Herbal Soap, Ayurveda, 75 Grams

IMPCOPS Herbal Soap, Ayurveda, 75 Grams

2 Br
IMPCOPS Sowbagyasunti, Ayurveda, 500 gm

IMPCOPS Sowbagyasunti, Ayurveda, 500 gm

17 Br
IMPCOPS Kungiliya Vennai, Siddha Medicine, 100 gm

IMPCOPS Kungiliya Vennai, Siddha Medicine, 100 gm

145 Br
IMPCOPS Navaka Guggulu, Ayurveda, 200 Nos

IMPCOPS Navaka Guggulu, Ayurveda, 200 Nos

30 Br
IMPCOPS Aswagandha Ch.Tablet, Ayurveda, 500 Nos

IMPCOPS Aswagandha Ch.Tablet, Ayurveda, 500 Nos

17 Br
IMPCOPS Pinda Thailam, Ayurvedic Medicine, 100 ml

IMPCOPS Pinda Thailam, Ayurvedic Medicine, 100 ml

5 Br
IMPCOPS Parangipattai Churnam, Siddha Medicine, 100 gm

IMPCOPS Parangipattai Churnam, Siddha Medicine, 100 gm

157 Br
IMPCOPS Bhavana Kadukkai, Siddha, 100 Nos

IMPCOPS Bhavana Kadukkai, Siddha, 100 Nos

152 Br
IMPCOPS Thaleesadi Churnam, Ayurveda, 100 gm

IMPCOPS Thaleesadi Churnam, Ayurveda, 100 gm

136 Br
IMPCOPS Vetpalai Karunseeraga Thailam, Siddha Medicine, 100 ml

IMPCOPS Vetpalai Karunseeraga Thailam, Siddha Medicine, 100 ml

10 Br
IMPCOPS Laboob Kabeer, Unani Medicine, 250 gm

IMPCOPS Laboob Kabeer, Unani Medicine, 250 gm

152 Br
IMPCOPS Agasthya Rasayanam, Ayurveda, 500 gm

IMPCOPS Agasthya Rasayanam, Ayurveda, 500 gm

11 Br
IMPCOPS Navaka Guggulu, Ayurveda, 50 Nos

IMPCOPS Navaka Guggulu, Ayurveda, 50 Nos

11 Br
IMPCOPS Murukkan Vidai Mathirai, Siddha, 2 gm

IMPCOPS Murukkan Vidai Mathirai, Siddha, 2 gm

5 Br
IMPCOPS Rasagandhi Mezhugu Capsule, Siddha, 100 Nos

IMPCOPS Rasagandhi Mezhugu Capsule, Siddha, 100 Nos

184 Br
IMPCOPS Sudarsana Ch.Tablet, Ayurveda, 100 Nos

IMPCOPS Sudarsana Ch.Tablet, Ayurveda, 100 Nos

173 Br
IMPCOPS Laboob Sagheer, Unani Medicine, 250 gm

IMPCOPS Laboob Sagheer, Unani Medicine, 250 gm

93 Br
IMPCOPS Maha Sundarsana Churnam Tablet, Ayurvedic Medicine, 100 Tablets

IMPCOPS Maha Sundarsana Churnam Tablet, Ayurvedic Medicine, 100 Tablets

6 Br
IMPCOPS Nilavarai Chooranam Mathirai, Siddha, 100 Nos

IMPCOPS Nilavarai Chooranam Mathirai, Siddha, 100 Nos

168 Br
IMPCOPS Neerkovai Mathirai, Siddha Medicine, 50 Nos

IMPCOPS Neerkovai Mathirai, Siddha Medicine, 50 Nos

153 Br
IMPCOPS Jeeraka Bilwadi Lehyam, Ayurveda, 100 gm

IMPCOPS Jeeraka Bilwadi Lehyam, Ayurveda, 100 gm

4 Br
IMPCOPS Thriphala Churnam, Ayurveda, 500 gm

IMPCOPS Thriphala Churnam, Ayurveda, 500 gm

13 Br
IMPCOPS Aswagandhadi Lehyam, Ayurveda, 250 gm

IMPCOPS Aswagandhadi Lehyam, Ayurveda, 250 gm

71 Br