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From timeless classics to modern breakthroughs—discover what Homerus has in store.
Scholia Graeca In Homeri Odysseam Ex Codicibus Aucta Et Emendata V1 (1855) (Latin Edition)
De Ilias Van Homerus, Part 1 (1818)
Homeri Ilias Graece Et Latine V2 (1740)
The Golden Chain of Homer (The R.A.M.S. Library of Alchemy)
Homerus: Webster's Timeline History, 1474 - 2007
De Minerva, Qualem Homerus Finxerit
De Ilias Van Homerus, Part 1 (1818)
Homerus, Ilias Leerlingenboek CE Grieks 2022
Homer and the Poetics of Hades
The Suitors in the «Odyssey»: The Clash between Homer and Archilochus (Hermeneutic Commentaries)
Oeuvres /Homerus, Volume 4...
Oeuvres /Homerus, Volume 2...
WestHomerus Ilias Pb: 1435 (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum Et Romanorum Teubneriana)
Odyssea (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum Et Romanorum Teubneriana)
Little Book of Principles
Oeuvres /Homerus, Volume 3...
de Ilias Van Homerus: In Neerduits Gerymt...
De Odyssea Van Homerus (1824)
The Golden Chain of Homer: Volume 33 (The R.A.M.S. Library of Alchemy)
Homer's Iliad: Books I., Vi., Xx., and Xxiv., With a Vocabulary, by J. Fergusson
Homer's Odyssey, Ed. With Engl. Notes, Etc., by W.W. Merry and J. Riddell
De Odyssea Van Homerus (1824)
De Ilias Van Homerus, Part 1 (1818)
Homer, for Beginners. Iliad, Book 1-3, With Engl. Notes by T.K. Arnold
Zinryke Dicht-Kunst, Getrokken Uit Homerus, Heziodus, Anakreon, Virgilius, Ovidius (1712)
Homeri Ilias (Odyssea) Ex Recogn. I. Bekkeri
Zinryke Dicht-kunst, Getrokken Uit Homerus, Heziodus, Anakreon, Virgilius, Ovidius
Homer's Iliad: Books Ix., Xviii., With Notes, and a Paper, by G.B. Wheeler
de Ilias Van Homerus (1721)
Homeri Odyssea, Ed. J. La Roche
The First Six Books of the Iliad of Homer, Literally Tr. Into Engl. Prose, with Notes and a Diss., by a Member of the University [H. Cary].
Selecta Ex Anacreonte Et Homero, Cum Interpretatione Latina: Ad Usum II Classis Et Rhetoricae
A Translation of the First Seven Books of the Odyssey of Homer [By C, Lloyd. With Ms. Corrections]
Odyssee: een zwerver komt thuis (Perpetua)
Oeuvres /homerus, Volume 1...
Die Homerische Odyssee in Der Ursprünglichen Sprachform Wiederhergestellt Von A. Fick. (Beitr. Zur Kunde D. Indogerm. Sprachen. Suppl. Bd.).
The Odyssey, Tr. Into Engl. Verse by P.S. Worsley
Homerus: Omēru Epē = Homeri Et Homeridarum Opera Et Reliquiae. Vol 2, Pars 2
de Hymno in Apollinem Homerico
Hymnus Cereris Homericus, Ed. F. Buecheler. Adiectum Est Ms. Simulacrum. Adiectum Est Ms. Specimen
Homer. Odyssey, Book Ix, With Intr. and Notes, by M. Montgomrey
The Iliad, Construed Literally And Word For Word: By Dr. Giles
De Rebus Medicis Quid Homerus Tradiderit
Homerus Ilias CB (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum Et Romanorum Teubneriana)
The Iliads of Homer, Done [Into Engl. Verse] by G. Chapman, with Intr. and Notes by R. Hooper
Homer's Odyssey, Book I, Ed., by J. Bond and A.S. Walpole, With Notes and Vocabulary
The Homeric Hymns, Tr. Into Engl. Prose By J. Edgar
The Odyssey, Tr. by A. Pope. to Which Is Added, the Battle of the Frogs and Mice
The Golden Chain of Homer
Homerus Odyssea, Vol. 1: Od: I-XII (Classic Reprint)
Gradus Ad Homerum; Or, the A.B.C.D. of Homer: A Heteroclite Tr. of the 1St 4 Books of the Iliad Into Engl. Heroics, With Notes, by X.Y.Z
Der Epische Cyclus Oder Die Homerischen Dichter; Volume 1
Homers Ilias, Prolegomena
Homer's Odyssey, Books Xxi.-Xxiv., Ed. With Intr. and Notes by S.G. Hamilton
Ilias: Graece Et Latine; Volume 1
Homeri Iliados Liber Xviii. the Arms of Achilles, Ed. by S.R. James
Homer's Iliad, With Notes [&c.] Ed. by T.K. Arnold
The Iliad, the First, Second, and Third Cantos, Tr. in a Metrical Version
Homeri Hymni Epigrammata Fragmenta Et Batrachomyomachia, Recens. Et Notis Instruxit F. Franke...
The Iliad, Done Into Engl. Verse by A.S. Way. 2 Vols. [In 3].
de Comparationibus Homericis
Carmina Homerica V1: Ilias (1858)
Homerus Quid De Perfecta Corporis Humani Forma Potissimum De Deorum Formis Iudicaverit: Dissertatio Inauguralis Quam Scripsit Et Pro Summis in ... Ordini in Universitate Litterarum Ienensi
Homerus: Omēru Epē = Homeri Et Homeridarum Opera Et Reliquiae. Vol 1
Homerus Ilias Pb (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum Et Romanorum Teubneriana)
de Minerva, Qualem Homerus Finxerit