Celebrate Directed Electronics: Craftsmanship Meets Innovation

Experience Directed Electronics’s legacy of excellence with premium offerings for every need.

Directed Electronics8600 Micro Magnetic Switch

Directed Electronics8600 Micro Magnetic Switch

60 Br
Directed Electronics(DEI) DEI Automate 474A Remote Z2020A-474A

Directed Electronics(DEI) DEI Automate 474A Remote Z2020A-474A

514 Br
Directed ElectronicsDoor Lock Relay Assembly

Directed ElectronicsDoor Lock Relay Assembly

128 Br
DIRECTED ELECTRONICS 504D Sige(R) DoubeGuad(R) Shok Seso

DIRECTED ELECTRONICS 504D Sige(R) DoubeGuad(R) Shok Seso

269 Br
Directed Avital 1 Way Security System

Directed Avital 1 Way Security System

384 Br
Directed Electronics DB3 All-in-One Door Lock & Override Module

Directed Electronics DB3 All-in-One Door Lock & Override Module

919 Br
(Pack of 6) Energizer 3 Volt Lithium Button Battery for Directed Electronics 598t Remote Control Transmitters and Other Uses (CR2032-) by Energizer

(Pack of 6) Energizer 3 Volt Lithium Button Battery for Directed Electronics 598t Remote Control Transmitters and Other Uses (CR2032-) by Energizer

65 Br
Directed Install Essentials 451M Door-Lock Relay Assembly

Directed Install Essentials 451M Door-Lock Relay Assembly

41 Br
Directed Electronics Inc 2101L Avital 1-Way Vehicle Keyless Entry System

Directed Electronics Inc 2101L Avital 1-Way Vehicle Keyless Entry System

809 Br
Directed ElectronicsAvital 1 Way Security System

Directed ElectronicsAvital 1 Way Security System

654 Br
Directed ElectronicsDEI THA 2017 & UP General Motors, (THGMN3)

Directed ElectronicsDEI THA 2017 & UP General Motors, (THGMN3)

95 Br
XPRESSKIT 5.20" x 4.40" x 1.90" (r) 556uxl Universal Remote-Start Immobilizer Interface Module with Selectable Windings for Larger Vehicle Keys

XPRESSKIT 5.20" x 4.40" x 1.90" (r) 556uxl Universal Remote-Start Immobilizer Interface Module with Selectable Windings for Larger Vehicle Keys

80 Br
Directed Electronics 507M Tilt Sensor for Python and Viper Security System

Directed Electronics 507M Tilt Sensor for Python and Viper Security System

294 Br
Directed Electronics 8600 Micro Magnetic Switch

Directed Electronics 8600 Micro Magnetic Switch

559 Br
Directed ElectronicsAvital 1 Way Security System

Directed ElectronicsAvital 1 Way Security System

1 119 Br
Directed Electronics2101L Avital 1-Way Vehicle Keyless Entry System

Directed Electronics2101L Avital 1-Way Vehicle Keyless Entry System

1 029 Br
6112T Directed Electronics 3105 Transceiver w Cable

6112T Directed Electronics 3105 Transceiver w Cable

859 Br
Directed Electronics DB3 All-in-One Door Lock & Override Module

Directed Electronics DB3 All-in-One Door Lock & Override Module

2 199 Br
Directed Electronics Install essentials Dual Zone Motion Sensor 508d

Directed Electronics Install essentials Dual Zone Motion Sensor 508d

609 Br
Directed Electronics DEI THA 2017 & UP General Motors, (THGMN3)

Directed Electronics DEI THA 2017 & UP General Motors, (THGMN3)

60 Br
Energizer4-Pack 3 Volt Lithium Button Battery for Directed Electronics 598t Remote Control Transmitters and Other Uses (CR2032)

Energizer4-Pack 3 Volt Lithium Button Battery for Directed Electronics 598t Remote Control Transmitters and Other Uses (CR2032)

48 Br
Directed Electronics DB3 All-in-One Door Lock & Override Module, Black

Directed Electronics DB3 All-in-One Door Lock & Override Module, Black

784 Br
Directed Electronics506T I.T. Audio Sensor

Directed Electronics506T I.T. Audio Sensor

102 Br
Directed Electronics8600 Micro Magnetic Switch

Directed Electronics8600 Micro Magnetic Switch

66 Br
Directed Electronics Install Essentials 524N High Power Door Lock Motor

Directed Electronics Install Essentials 524N High Power Door Lock Motor

394 Br
Directed Self-assembly of Block Co-polymers for Nano-manufacturing (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials)

Directed Self-assembly of Block Co-polymers for Nano-manufacturing (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials)

456 Br
Directed Electronics 3121T / 3121T / 3121T Powersports 1-Way Security System

Directed Electronics 3121T / 3121T / 3121T Powersports 1-Way Security System

164 Br
Directed Electronics Inc 528T 12v Accessory Pulse Timer

Directed Electronics Inc 528T 12v Accessory Pulse Timer

360 Br
Directed Install Essentials 451m Door-lock Relay Assembly

Directed Install Essentials 451m Door-lock Relay Assembly

90 Br
Directed Energy System Performance Prediction (Artech House Electronic Warfare Library)

Directed Energy System Performance Prediction (Artech House Electronic Warfare Library)

702 Br
Directed Electronics Bright Red 2V Led with Plug

Directed Electronics Bright Red 2V Led with Plug

225 Br
Directed Electronics6102T HX Plus Receiver/Antenna w 3 Wire Cable

Directed Electronics6102T HX Plus Receiver/Antenna w 3 Wire Cable

114 Br
Directed Electronics522T Trunk Release Solenoid Kit

Directed Electronics522T Trunk Release Solenoid Kit

529 Br
DEI THA 2013-2016 Accord/Civic/CRV

DEI THA 2013-2016 Accord/Civic/CRV

343 Br
Reports on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Scotland [electronic Resource]: in Consequence of an Inquiry Directed to Be Made by the Poor Law Commission

Reports on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Scotland [electronic Resource]: in Consequence of an Inquiry Directed to Be Made by the Poor Law Commission

202 Br
DEI 506T Audio Glass Break Sensor

DEI 506T Audio Glass Break Sensor

406 Br
Directed Electronics 4X10 Digital Remote Start System with 3 Lock (Renewed)

Directed Electronics 4X10 Digital Remote Start System with 3 Lock (Renewed)

122 Br
Directed Electronics 504D Double Guard Stinger Shock Sensor

Directed Electronics 504D Double Guard Stinger Shock Sensor

352 Br
DIRECTED ELECTRONICS 8607 Pin Switches, 5 pk Consumer Electronics Accessories

DIRECTED ELECTRONICS 8607 Pin Switches, 5 pk Consumer Electronics Accessories

994 Br
Directed ElectronicsSingle (1) Momentary Switch with Plug-in Valet Switch Compatible with Viper, Python, Avital, Hornet, Valet, Clifford, Ready Remote

Directed ElectronicsSingle (1) Momentary Switch with Plug-in Valet Switch Compatible with Viper, Python, Avital, Hornet, Valet, Clifford, Ready Remote

291 Br
Directed Electronics Inc 8623 Electronics Ball Bearing Tilt Switch

Directed Electronics Inc 8623 Electronics Ball Bearing Tilt Switch

341 Br
Directed Electronics504D Sige(R) DoubeGuad(R) Shok Seso

Directed Electronics504D Sige(R) DoubeGuad(R) Shok Seso

338 Br
Directed Electronics 7151x Clifford 5-button Remote

Directed Electronics 7151x Clifford 5-button Remote

514 Br
Directed Electronics8616 Relay Assembly Mini

Directed Electronics8616 Relay Assembly Mini

303 Br
Directed Electronics6112T 3105 Transceiver with Cable

Directed Electronics6112T 3105 Transceiver with Cable

569 Br
6211T Directed Electronics Responder LE 2 Way Receiver Antenna Replacement Kit

6211T Directed Electronics Responder LE 2 Way Receiver Antenna Replacement Kit

476 Br
8504D Digital Shock, Tilt and Temperature Sensor by DEI Directed Electronics Viper Python Clifford

8504D Digital Shock, Tilt and Temperature Sensor by DEI Directed Electronics Viper Python Clifford

524 Br
Directed Electronics7111L Remote Control

Directed Electronics7111L Remote Control

164 Br
DEI THA MUX Chrysler Type

DEI THA MUX Chrysler Type

284 Br
Directed Install Essentials 451M Door-Lock Relay Assembly

Directed Install Essentials 451M Door-Lock Relay Assembly

134 Br
Directed Elec-alarms Alarm Backup Battery (520t) -

Directed Elec-alarms Alarm Backup Battery (520t) -

125 Br
SuperCode 1-Way Replacement Antenna

SuperCode 1-Way Replacement Antenna

599 Br
Directed 5X06 Brain Only for 5706x, 5706v, 5706p, 5806v, 5806p, 5806x

Directed 5X06 Brain Only for 5706x, 5706v, 5706p, 5806v, 5806p, 5806x

205 Br
Directed Electronics4X10 Digital Remote Start System with 3 Lock

Directed Electronics4X10 Digital Remote Start System with 3 Lock

809 Br
Directed Smartstart(r) DEIDSM550 6.50in. x 3.90in. x 1.45in. Directed SmartStart Pro 4G LTE GPS Module , Black , White

Directed Smartstart(r) DEIDSM550 6.50in. x 3.90in. x 1.45in. Directed SmartStart Pro 4G LTE GPS Module , Black , White

1 499 Br
Directed Avital 2 Way LCD Security System

Directed Avital 2 Way LCD Security System

1 479 Br
Directed Electronics8634 Super Bright Blue LED, 5 Pack

Directed Electronics8634 Super Bright Blue LED, 5 Pack

291 Br
Magnetic Switch, Standard Packaging,Black

Magnetic Switch, Standard Packaging,Black

276 Br
Avital 4105L 1-Way Remote Start System with 4-Button Remote

Avital 4105L 1-Way Remote Start System with 4-Button Remote

709 Br


634 Br
Directed Electronics 474T 434 MHz 2/66 Codes 4-Button Transmitter

Directed Electronics 474T 434 MHz 2/66 Codes 4-Button Transmitter

509 Br
Directed Electronics Inc 8634 Bright Blue Led

Directed Electronics Inc 8634 Bright Blue Led

31 Br
Directed Electronics4003L Avital Add On Remote Start Module

Directed Electronics4003L Avital Add On Remote Start Module

1 089 Br
Directed Electronics679T Dei Responder Replacement Remote Clip/Holster

Directed Electronics679T Dei Responder Replacement Remote Clip/Holster

230 Br
Directed Electronics 8601 Normally Open/Closed Magnetic Switch

Directed Electronics 8601 Normally Open/Closed Magnetic Switch

294 Br
Magnetic Switch, Standard Packaging,Black

Magnetic Switch, Standard Packaging,Black

402 Br
Directed Electronics 6867T XDR Xtreme Digital Range DS4 Control Center Antenna

Directed Electronics 6867T XDR Xtreme Digital Range DS4 Control Center Antenna

291 Br
Directed Electronics Inc XK05 XpressKit Remote Start Interface

Directed Electronics Inc XK05 XpressKit Remote Start Interface

246 Br
Directed ElectronicsXpressKit DBALL2 Databus All Combo Bypass Module

Directed ElectronicsXpressKit DBALL2 Databus All Combo Bypass Module

799 Br
XPRESSKIT 5.20" x 4.40" x 1.90" (r) 556uxl Universal Remote-Start Immobilizer Interface Module with Selectable Windings for Larger Vehicle Keys , Black

XPRESSKIT 5.20" x 4.40" x 1.90" (r) 556uxl Universal Remote-Start Immobilizer Interface Module with Selectable Windings for Larger Vehicle Keys , Black

406 Br
Directed ElectronicsPython 7154P Supercode 1-Way 5 Button Remote LE Companion

Directed ElectronicsPython 7154P Supercode 1-Way 5 Button Remote LE Companion

689 Br
Directed ElectronicsXL202 RF to Data Interface,Black

Directed ElectronicsXL202 RF to Data Interface,Black

789 Br
Directed Electronics 6213T 2 Way Antenna Control Center Cable with 6 pin Green Plug Compatible with 5x05 Brains, 5305V, 5305X, 5305P, 5303L, and 4305V

Directed Electronics 6213T 2 Way Antenna Control Center Cable with 6 pin Green Plug Compatible with 5x05 Brains, 5305V, 5305X, 5305P, 5303L, and 4305V

430 Br
Directed Electronics THCHD3 3rd Generation Chrysler T-Harness for DBALL and DBALL2

Directed Electronics THCHD3 3rd Generation Chrysler T-Harness for DBALL and DBALL2

381 Br
(1) BLUE Super Bright LED w Plug Replacement for most Directed Electronics Systems

(1) BLUE Super Bright LED w Plug Replacement for most Directed Electronics Systems

151 Br
Directed Electronics 8616 Relay Assembly Mini

Directed Electronics 8616 Relay Assembly Mini

434 Br
Directed Electronics 474T 434 MHz 2/66 Codes 4-Button Transmitter

Directed Electronics 474T 434 MHz 2/66 Codes 4-Button Transmitter

589 Br
Directed Electronics 506T I.T. Audio Sensor

Directed Electronics 506T I.T. Audio Sensor

109 Br
Directed Electronics Inc Python 7154P Supercode 1-Way 5 Button Remote LE Companion

Directed Electronics Inc Python 7154P Supercode 1-Way 5 Button Remote LE Companion

1 099 Br
Directed Electronics Inc XL202 RF to Data Interface

Directed Electronics Inc XL202 RF to Data Interface

689 Br
Directed Electronics504D Double Guard Stinger Shock Sensor

Directed Electronics504D Double Guard Stinger Shock Sensor

849 Br
Directed Electronics 4X10 Digital Remote Start System with 3 Lock

Directed Electronics 4X10 Digital Remote Start System with 3 Lock

1 059 Br
Directed ElectronicsSafety Switch Pack for Viper, Python, Clifford, Avital, Automate, RSR and Other Remote Car Starter Systems

Directed ElectronicsSafety Switch Pack for Viper, Python, Clifford, Avital, Automate, RSR and Other Remote Car Starter Systems

134 Br
Directed Electronics DEI THA 2014-2018 Nissan/Infinity, (THNIN5)

Directed Electronics DEI THA 2014-2018 Nissan/Infinity, (THNIN5)

228 Br
6211T Directed Electronics Responder LE 2 Way Receiver Antenna Replacement Kit

6211T Directed Electronics Responder LE 2 Way Receiver Antenna Replacement Kit

326 Br
Directed Electronics 6867T XDR Xtreme Digital Range DS4 Control Center Antenna

Directed Electronics 6867T XDR Xtreme Digital Range DS4 Control Center Antenna

709 Br
Directed Electronics RFLCHGM RF Transponder Loop for All Chrysler

Directed Electronics RFLCHGM RF Transponder Loop for All Chrysler

87 Br
Directed Install Essentials 451m Door-lock Relay Assembly

Directed Install Essentials 451m Door-lock Relay Assembly

Directed Electronics THNISS3C Nissan/Infiniti Plug and Play T-Harness for DBALL2 Pro

Directed Electronics THNISS3C Nissan/Infiniti Plug and Play T-Harness for DBALL2 Pro

154 Br
Avital 3100LX 3-Channel Keyless Entry Car Alarm

Avital 3100LX 3-Channel Keyless Entry Car Alarm

189 Br
Directed Electronics 6213T 2 Way Antenna Control Center Cable with 6 pin Green Plug Compatible with 5x05 Brains, 5305V, 5305X, 5305P, 5303L, and 4305V

Directed Electronics 6213T 2 Way Antenna Control Center Cable with 6 pin Green Plug Compatible with 5x05 Brains, 5305V, 5305X, 5305P, 5303L, and 4305V

321 Br
Directed Electronics8623 Electronics Ball Bearing Tilt Switch

Directed Electronics8623 Electronics Ball Bearing Tilt Switch

332 Br
Directed Electronics 14105 Car Antenna

Directed Electronics 14105 Car Antenna

412 Br
Directed Electronics Install essentials Dual Zone Motion Sensor 508d

Directed Electronics Install essentials Dual Zone Motion Sensor 508d

1 199 Br
Directed Elec-alarms Directed Electronics 4-button Replacement Remote (474t) -

Directed Elec-alarms Directed Electronics 4-button Replacement Remote (474t) -

209 Br
Directed Electronics Directed Electronics 6866T Replacement Antenna and Cable Compatible with DS4 and DS4+ Systems

Directed Electronics Directed Electronics 6866T Replacement Antenna and Cable Compatible with DS4 and DS4+ Systems

284 Br
Directed Electronics 7111L Remote Control

Directed Electronics 7111L Remote Control

859 Br
Directed Electronics 6102T HX Plus Receiver/Antenna w 3 Wire Cable

Directed Electronics 6102T HX Plus Receiver/Antenna w 3 Wire Cable

1 369 Br