
3M Full Facepiece Reusable Respirator 6900, NIOSH, Large Lens, ANSI High Impact Eye Protection, Silicone Face Seal, Four-Point Harness, Comfortable Fit, Painting, Dust, Chemicals, Large

Product ID: 4811752



🛠️ Gear Up for Safety and Comfort! Four-point harness provides stability during intense tasks. Compatible with a range of 3M cartridges and filters for diverse applications. Large lens design for an unparalleled field of vision. NIOSH-approved for maximum safety against airborne contaminants. Silicone face seal ensures a snug yet comfortable fit. NIOSH-Approved Large Lens ANSI High Impact The 3M Full Facepiece Reusable Respirator 6900 is a NIOSH-approved respiratory solution designed for industrial professionals. Featuring a large lens for enhanced visibility and a silicone face seal for comfort, this respirator is compatible with various 3M cartridges and filters, making it ideal for a wide range of applications including painting, welding, and chemical handling.

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