Geomag Magnetic Sticks and Balls Building Set | Magnet Toys for STEM, Creative, Educational Construction Play | Swiss-Made Innovation | Confetti 127 Piece
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Geomag Magnetic Sticks and Balls Building Set | Magnet Toys for STEM, Creative, Educational Construction Play | Swiss-Made Innovation | Confetti 127 Piece

Product ID: 99436880
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Product Description Watch as your structures increase in size and complexity with the Geomag confetti 127 pieces Kit. Enough to create a fantastic suspension bridge or a powerful jumbo jet! This set includes 61 spheres, 60 light blue, orange, red and green rods, 4 square platforms and 2 pentagonal platforms. The Geomag confetti line meets the needs of the most unbridled creativity. Amazing fun with an explosion of colors. Magnetic rods and non-magnetic steel spheres that come together to create a huge number of shapes. Geomag platforms allow for even more rigidity to structures, allowing to carry creations more easily. The spheres click into the platform and can remain there, becoming a base for endless construction possibilities. The confetti line is available in 4 boxes from 35 to 127 pieces. geomag classic is an inventive system of simple construction made of 58 mm magnetic rods and steel spheres. A huge number of shapes, geometric figures and models of every kind can be constructed. Geomag stimulates creativity and logical reasoning. The variety of the shapes and their transformations make it possible to renew structures continuously. Imagination is all that is needed to create a unique masterpiece.geomagworld SA is the manufacturer of Geomag toys. All products are designed both to entertain and to stimulate the imagination and curiosity. Geomag toy can also become an amusing pastime for the whole family, reuniting parents and children in an activity of extraordinary creativity. Geomag is produced in line with the strictest criteria of quality and safety typical of Swiss products and is manufactured in compliance with stringent European and American Safety standards. Set Contains: 60 magnetic rods; 61 metal spheres; 6 plastic parts

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The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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