Instyler MAX 1.25” 2-Way Purple Iron | Professional Tourmaline Ceramic Iron | Ionic Bristles | Straighten, Style & Curl Hair I Adds Volume & Shine | Frizz Reducing Tool (IS2-32PUU1-00485)
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Instyler MAX 1.25” 2-Way Purple Iron | Professional Tourmaline Ceramic Iron | Ionic Bristles | Straighten, Style & Curl Hair I Adds Volume & Shine | Frizz Reducing Tool (IS2-32PUU1-00485)

Product ID: 9833301
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MAXIMUM SALON STYLE. MINIMUM EFFORT.With 360 of straightening power, the MAX Rotating Styler is preferred over flat irons for straightening and controlling frizz, while adding body and shine*. As the barrel rapidly revolves, it delivers powerful heat without trapping the hair between two hot plates. This breakthrough rotating tool leaves hair soft, silky and healthy feeling.STYLES FASTERThe larger surface area of the 1.25 round barrel (versus a flat plate) strengthens heat recovery, allowing MAX to maintain a consistent high heat of 425F for maximum speed and styling efficiency.STRAIGHTENS BETTERThe rounded design of the rotating barrel and tourmaline ceramic heated plate prevents creasing and crushing that can flatten hair, while the ionic bristles brush and polish strands to reduce frizz and deliver maximum shine.MAXIMUM VERSATILITYThe revolutionary design of the 1.25 two-way rotating barrel straightens hair and gives you the option to easily add curl, body, and shine. Style starts at the root; glide over roots to straighten and smooth, even start rotation at the base and lift to enhance volume. Effortlessly add those voluminous curves by directing MAX away from your face. Go one step further and wrap strands around the barrel to create curls and beachy waves that last for days. Use on all hair types: long, short, thinning, thick, coarse, curly, straight, and frizzy.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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