Koolance LIQ-702RD-B 702 Liquid Coolant, High-Performance, UV Red, 700ml (24 fl oz)
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Koolance LIQ-702RD-B 702 Liquid Coolant, High-Performance, UV Red, 700ml (24 fl oz)

Product ID: 9557711
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Koolance 702 series coolant is used by many industries requiring a high performance, low-toxicity, reliable coolant with corrosion and biological inhibitors. A high quality coolant is extremely important for addressing dissimilar metals and biologic growth (bacterial and algae) long-term. Koolance liquids will not clog components and can typically be used for 2-3 years before replacement is recommended. (Coolant shelf life is 3 years.) This container includes 700ml (24 fl oz) of prediluted coolant and can function as a squirt bottle for convenient reservoir filling. It's recommended to replace the coolant at least every 2-3 years, or immediately if there is any change in color or clarity. The freezing point is -15°C (5°F). This coolant has been tested with the following materials:• Metals: copper, brass, aluminum, stainless steel, nickel, steel, gold, lead• Plastics: ABS, PA66, PBT, PE, PEI, PES, PETG, PMMA, POM, PP, PPE, PPO, PPS, PTFE, PU, PVC• Rubber: EPDM NOTE: Not recommended for polycarbonate plastics or other PC-based plastics.Additional Specifications• Color: Red• Volume: 700mL (23.67 fl oz)• Freezing Point: -15°C (5ºF)• Electrical Conductivity (µS/cm): 2500• UV Reactive: Red• Specific Gravity @20°C: 1.03• Viscosity @20°C (cP): 2.3

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