From the Manufacturer - PICKMANN manufacturers picks in a variety of shapes using Exotic Tropical Hardwoods & other materials which are often the residuals of Guitar / Furniture industry. This ensures that the picks feature genuine woods & materials and don't burn a hole on your pocket. Furthermore our picks are handmade by skilled and experienced craftsmen . Our value packs contain 7 picks each made from : Palmwood - A coastal origin hardwood best known for it's striking color which is dense and produces a warm rounded tones. Coconut - Yes it's made from the coconut shell which is rich chocolate brown with light specks that improve grip and some husk remaining on some picks to provide additional grip. It is polished to a smooth lustrous finish. Coconut is a very hard dense exotic material that creates a rapid attack and clean, crisp sound. Coconut is rugged and durable enough to last through many electric guitar sessions while bringing out bright, accurate tone. Acoustic guitar players will notice a brighter overall sound as opposed to mellowness. Cattle Bone - Made from the residual bone blanks of cattle bought to the abattoir for human consumption. Very hard material that produces a clear,crisp and sharp tone. Ebony - Made from East Indian Ebony, very hard and durable. Produces clear sound. Cattle Horn - Made from the residual horn blanks of cattle bought to the abattoir for human consumption. Very hard and produces a crisp yet mellow tone. Tamarind - Originating from India, Tamarindwood has successfully made it to the limelight among other hardwoods. Very durable and hard produces a loud and clear tone. It's exotic look is loved by many. Haldu - Less hard as compared to all above materials but very durable. It produces a mellow tone.