This 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle titled “Shrimp Trucks” is based on the artwork of Eric Dowdle. On the North Shore of Hawaii, food trucks are a part of the culture, serving up tasty treats that leave stomachs grumbling for more. But the shrimp trucks- they’re the rockstars of roadside dining! Forget fancy restaurants on the North Shore beach, it’s all about buttery, garlicky shrimp so delicious, you’ll be dying for some out of puzzle piece form! Eric Dowdle was born the tenth of 12 children to a family of storytellers. He has traveled the world to discover fascinating people and places to include in his art. Each Dowdle puzzle has a colorful story to tell. Every Buffalo Games jigsaw puzzle is manufactured from recycled puzzle board. A precision cutting technique guarantees that every piece will fit soundly with the company's signature Perfect Snap™. A bonus puzzle poster is also included so that you have a handy reference of what the completed puzzle should look like while you put yours together.