Various parts of plant are used as a dentrifrice, antiseptic, astringent, diaphoretic, stomachic, vermifuge, tonic, laxative and diuretic and to treat diarrhea, dysentery, anaemia, asthma, bronchitis, cough, hypertension, insomnia, rheumatism, toothache, leucorrhoea, haemorrhage and piles. Mangoes are used in many cuisines. Sour, unripe mangoes are used in chutneys (i.e., mango chutney), pickles, daals and other side dishes in Indian cuisine. A summer drink called aam panna is made with mangoes. Roots perform the following functions: Roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil. They anchor the plant firmly. They help in storing food and nutrients. Roots transport water and minerals to the plant.