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Fidget Spinners Toys Stress Relief Reducer Anxiety Toy for Kids Adults Hand Spinners Finger Toy Tri-Spinner ADHD Anxiety Toys Kids Classroom Prizes Fidgets Toy - Fidget Spinner White & Black Metal
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Fidget Spinners Toys Stress Relief Reducer Anxiety Toy for Kids Adults Hand Spinners Finger Toy Tri-Spinner ADHD Anxiety Toys Kids Classroom Prizes Fidgets Toy - Fidget Spinner White & Black Metal

Product ID: 627620015
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SAFETY SENSORY FIDGETS TOYS FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Great for fidget, anxiety, focus, ADHD, autism, and quitting bad habits. you can grab the fidget spinner and play, not nail biting. Many have successfully curbed unwanted habits using the funny cool fidget toy. HIGH-SPEED HYBRID CERAMIC BALL in the center to ensure the smoothest rotation and consistency. 3 STEEL COUNTERWEIGHT WEIGHTS to increase centripetal force and time. WEIGHTS ARE REMOVABLE for future upgrades. INCLUDES: ALL include a fidget box. Spinner can be used in multiple ways: Hand Spin, Table Spin, or Balancing on your finger Spin. Also with practice, you can learn to do little flicks to keep it endlessly spinning while you do your work or focus on something. FIDGET TOYS SIZE: dimension: 2.95inch, thickness: 0.47inch. Portable and small enough to carry in your pocket every day, simple, divertingness and fun to play everywhere, effective for focus and deep thought.Great all-in-one design for anxiety, focusing, ADHD, autism, quitting bad habits, staying awake on long car drives, etc. ULTRA FAST bearings that spin 1-3 minutes ++ depending on the force you use. GREAT PARTY FAVOR: Core premium high-speed bearings ensure the smoothest rotation and consistency of 1-3 mins spinner time.3 steel counterweights to increase centripetal force and rotating time, very strong material and work great, ultra-fast bearings that depend on the force you use.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

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