Each figure is equipped with multiple movable joints, allowing for flexible bending and swinging. This high level of mobility enables the creation of various postures and actions, making it extremely helpful for drawing, painting, and character photography. It serves as an excellent tool to practice sketching. 3D printing production: All dolls are produced using 3D printers and manually assembled with PETG environmental plastic materials. Please note that there may be some minor flaws in the models; perfectionists should take caution! (Figure height is approximately 5.54 inches) Creativity and imagination: Adjust the doll's posture according to your own imagination and creativity to create unique stories and adventures. Versatile applications:You can use them on car dashboards, desks, backpacks, and more, all of which are excellent decorations that allow you to play with toys when you are anxious. its will relieve your high tension and prevent mental exhaustion.