rocabi 25 lbs Adult Weighted Blanket & Cover Luxury Set (60"x80") A Queen Size Heavy Weighted Comforter For a Person Between 220-270 Pounds Using Premium Glass Beads & Soft Minky Removable Cover
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rocabi 25 lbs Adult Weighted Blanket & Cover Luxury Set (60"x80") A Queen Size Heavy Weighted Comforter For a Person Between 220-270 Pounds Using Premium Glass Beads & Soft Minky Removable Cover

Product ID: 60868699
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Product description ★ Introducing the rocabi Luxury Weighted Blanket for Adults & Kids. For years, adults and kids have been suffering from stress, sleep disorders and other sensory related deficiencies. Social media, work, school, exams T.V. and even family life has resulted in countless, unnecessary sleepless nights, lost productivity & happiness. This weighted blanket is ideal for:✔People who wake up in the middle of the night or too early in the morning ✔Anyone who has a problem falling asleep✔Those who sleep alone and are lonely✔Everyone who want to get hugged to sleep at night✔The rocabi weighted blanket is designed to be beautiful, warm and amazing to touch. Its mass provides a gentle press that simulated the feeling of being held, hugged or spooned.✔Also referred to as techniques blankets, weighted comforters, compression blankets or Heavy blankets. The blankets are machine washable, tumble dry ready and come in two sizes & all blankets include removable cover as standard:✔️(60” x 80”) - Twin - Full - Queen Size✔️(80” x 86”) - King Size - Queen Size✔✔Get the sleep you deserve & support a US Small Business based out of Brooklyn New York Legal Disclaimer The minimum age for the use of a weighted blanket is 12 years old. The recommended weight for a weighted blanket is 10% of your body weight plus 1 pound. Weighted blankets should never be used to restrain a person or restrict their movement. Weighted blankets should never go past the shoulders and should never cover the head. Pregnant women, babies under 5 years old and people who can't move the heavy blanket themselves are prohibited to use the product.

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