Weaver LeatherMade from top quality poly ropeHalter is available in a great selection of trendy and classic colorsOffers the perfect combination of durability and valueLead measures approximately 7' longCow size35-7900 Made from top quality poly rope, this halter comes in a greatselection of trendy and classic colors. This halter offers the perfectcombination of durability and value. Lead measures approximately 7'long. Cow size.Weaver Leather Livestock's PromiseOver 40 years of manufacturing experience has taught us a thing ortwo about consistently producing productsdowntothelastdetail.Youll find onlythefinestmaterials,skilledAmericanworkmanshipandfinishing touches foryears ofdependableperformance andunparalleledquality that willhaveyou comingback again and again.That quality is a part of our heritage, part of our future andendures in our commitment to your success as ashowmanandinlife.QUALITYWhat does quality mean to you? To us, it means the finest materials,skilled craftsmanship, innovative design andattentiontodetail.Youcan rest assuredthatyoull find themall ineachandeveryproductyoubuy from us. Whenyou chooseWeaverLeatherLivestockproducts,yougetunparalleledqualitythatwillhaveyou comingback againandagain.Thats ourpromiseto you andyoursuccessasashowman.HERITAGEEvery company started somewhere with big dreams of the future. For morethan 40 years, Weaver Leather hasmanufacturedqualityproductsdeveloped byprofessionalexperts,tested byyouandbacked byour100%satisfactionguarantee. Andit allstartedwith a simplecattleshowhalter thatraised thebar and setthe newindustrystandardforquality anddetail.That onehalter set thestageforeverything youllsee on thiswebsiteandisstill afavoritetoday.Its partofourpast, andwekeep itclose at handbecauseitcontinues toinspirefutureproductsthat helpyou besuccessfulin thering.INNOVATIONThe dictionary defines innovation as a new idea, device or method.Sounds simple, right? Here at Weaver LeatherLivestock,wearealwaysthinking
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