The former German Democratic Republic took its role as guardian of the important German cultural traditions, especially in music, very seriously, and this can clearly be seen not only in the magnificent archives of music from central Germany and the court of Frederick the Great, but also in collections of early instruments. This 2-CD set features music performed on keyboards produced by some of the greatest instrument makers of their time, including Gottfried Silbermann, Heinrich Harrass and Johann Jacob Donat. They are preserved in collections at the Händel-Haus at Halle/Saale, and in music instrument museums at Leipzig, Markneukirchen and Potsdam Sanssouci. Personnel: Walter-Heinz Bernstein (pianoforte), Maria Bräutigam (Italian Harpsichord), Winfried Schrammek (clavichord), Armin Thalheim (harpsichord)
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