Natural Quartz Crystal Unicorn Figurine Hand Carved Statue Healing Energy Crystal Sculpture Gemstone
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Natural Quartz Crystal Unicorn Figurine Hand Carved Statue Healing Energy Crystal Sculpture Gemstone

Product ID: 56878324
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PLEASE NOTE: Each Quartz Crystal Unicorn Figurine is unique, as it is a natural stone. Since these are delicate and fragile pieces, some may have chipped pieces on the mane of unicorns, which happened during the carving or polishing process. Product may not be exactly as shown in photos; pictures are a typical example of what you will receive. Unicorns, Unicorns, Unicorns!! I'm SO happy I finally have these in shop! These are LARGE pieces, perfect for home decor if you'd like or even for you jewelry innovators out there.:) Unicorns are made from genuine quartz crystal healing gemstone sliced and cut to these incredible pieces that you see here. They are cut so intricately, each are unique in their color and layers of the unicorn. Unicorns gemstone sculpture are my favorite magickal creature. Since I was a little girl I have always been drawn to unicorns. And now I LOVE seeing that are making such a powerful come back at this time in our consciousness. I believe they are VERY needed in our world again, to share with us their gifts of peace, gentleness, hope, light, and magick that We and our Mother Earth all need so much of! I believe they are calling to us now. Invite them into your lives, work with them, and learn from them. Just as you would any animal totem...hear their message. It is an excellent artwork. Demanding carving & Good quality material & fine polishing. Carving from a whole natural stone. No bonding. Chromatic color & complicated pattern, Natural and eye-catching! It is a wonderful collection. We will reply to your emails as soon as possible£¬but owing to the difference of time zone, we may not be able to reply immediately£¬pls allow us 12 hours to reply your convo. We are trying to provide the perfect service to our customers,if you have any questions, or anything we can do for you,please feel free to contact,we will try our best to help.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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