3DOME® Panchmukhi Water Sensor Diya | Led Water Sensor Diya - 5 in 1 for Home, Diwali, Festivals Decoration Plastic
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3DOME® Panchmukhi Water Sensor Diya | Led Water Sensor Diya - 5 in 1 for Home, Diwali, Festivals Decoration Plastic

Product ID: 568203942
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The original makers of the Water Sensor Diya and 3d Reflection Diya are introducing our latest marvel for this year's festival season, " Panchmukhi Water Sensor Diya". where 'Panch' means Five, the water sensor technology that combines the ambiance of five Diyas in one innovative product! An innovative decor for beautiful homes. 3DOME has created this 5 Petals Flower-inspired Panchmukhi diya that combines innovative technology with an enchanting design. This unique product features five LED lights positioned in petal-like arrangement, each facing a different direction, creating a beautiful flower like design. At the center of the Diya, there's a multi-color LED light embedded within the Diya, resembling the flower's stem from where it blooms. When the Diya switch is turned on, the Multi-color light emits vibrant Red,Blue,Green, colors. The light reflections creates a visual effect of the star shaped crater. This design adds depth to the lighting experience of the 5 warm yellow ambiance lights radiating from the 5 petals of the water sensor Diyas. Being water sensored means they switch on when you put water in them allowing you to place them wherever you like in your home, garden terrace, Balcony, Mandir and you don't have to worry about them being gettting off by wind, no worry of fire, absolutely safe to use anywhere. The product comes in a strong and elegant cardboard box . The Lotus Diyas are powered by 3 AAA batteries of Best quality that ensure they last longer and therefore economical than traditional diyas. When the batteries dies after long usage you can easily replace them by opening battery cover. The led used in the product are one of the brightest warm yellow LEDs in the market . The body is thick made from High Quality PP material. Brass metals are used for water contacts that don't corrode even after long usage. Bring home this Water sensor Panchmukhi Diyas and experience the magical ccombination of technology and creativity.

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