Pop It Game Fidget Kids Travel Games Toys/Pop It Toy Popular Handheld Games for Teenagers Anti Anxiety Autism Relief Birthday Party Gift (Black Mouse)
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Pop It Game Fidget Kids Travel Games Toys/Pop It Toy Popular Handheld Games for Teenagers Anti Anxiety Autism Relief Birthday Party Gift (Black Mouse)

Product ID: 562885902
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1. Challenge mode Press the back button to start the game. As the number of levels increases, the number of lights on will Increase and the limit time for each level will also be shortened. If it is not within the limit,If the lights are turned off and the back button is pressed, the game will fail. 2.Multiplayer mode Players take turns playing the game and press the mouse killing button according to the light on. After passing the level, it will be their turn,Next player. If the player fails to complete the clearance within the limited time.You will lose the game, and the game will return to its initial state, waiting for a restart. 3.Memory mode Press the back button to start the game,Only after 5 small levels can we enter the next level, and we need to wait for the lights to light up and pick up when the game starts After the sound is displayed, press the light button just now. If it is pressed correctly, The light will light up, and then continue to press the previously displayed light. If pressed incorrectly,The game failed without a score and returned to its initial state. 4.Scoring mode Press the back button to start the game. The game lasts for 1 minute, and according to the light on, Press the rodent control button, and after all are extinguished, you need to press the back button to enter. In the next round, the more lights you turn off, the higher the score. If you press it incorrectly, the game will fail, And there are no points, the game returns to its initial state, waiting for a restart ( If battery removed, the highest score will be reset to zero) Note: Toys use 3 1.5V "AAA" non rechargeable batteries ( our product come without batteries) Use a screwdriver to loosen the screw, unlock the battery cover, and place and remove the battery according to the correct polarity

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