The Flying Ball is an exciting small flying toy, also known as a "flying orb ball" or "orb ball flying." With its mesmerizing flight and unique design, this UFO magic flying orb ball with lights is perfect for boys aged 8-12 and falls under the category of boys' toys age 6-8 and toys for ages 8-13. It's an ideal gift for an 8-year-old boy, providing endless fun both indoors and outdoors. This cosmic globe, also referred to as a hover ball or flying spinner, offers a thrilling spinning experience. Its dynamic LED lights add a magical touch to the flying orb, creating a captivating visual display. The flying saucer ball design, combined with the resilience of the toy, makes it a perfect choice for outdoor play. Not only is it a popular boy toy, but it's also a fantastic gift option for a 10-year-old girl. The light-up frisbee feature adds an extra element of excitement to the flying ball, making it a cool and innovative choice. Experience the joy of playing with this flying orb ball while enjoying the quality time spent outdoors. It's the perfect addition to any collection of spinning toys, and it's sure to impress both boys and girls alike.