Pilon Ayurvedic Piles Tablets are made from completely natural ingredients. They are suitable for use by both men and women for hemorrhoids. These sugar-coated tablets contain Ativish (Aconitum Heterophyllum) 110 mg, Kattha (Acacia Catechu) 60 mg, Kariyal (Swertia Chirata) 30 mg, Aritha (Sapindus Trifoliatus) 20 mg, Sudha Fatkari (Alum) 18 mg, Indrajav (Holarrhena Antidysenterica) 16 mg, Gorakmundi (Sphearanthus Indicus) 16 mg, Dharuharidra Aq. Extract (Berberis Aristata 16 mg, Hirabol (Commiphora Myrrha) 16 mg, Neem Bheej (Azadirachta Indica) 16 mg, Gritkumari (Aloes) 8 mg, Banslochan (Manna) 8 mg, Saunf (Foeniculum Vulgare) 6 mg, and Sonamukhi (Senna) 6 mg. Dosage: 2 tablets a day for 30 days or as directed by your physician. This pack contains 1 strip of 10 tablets.