Shameless is a blisteringly funny, offbeat drama which follows the rollercoaster lives of a rather dysfunctional family (or two) from Manchester. The critically acclaimed show revolves around the chaotic world of the Gallaghers and their neighbours, the Maguires--two families living in the crime-infested Chatsworth Housing Estate, where wheel-less cars are the norm and the moving ones are stolen! The Shameless Series 3 DVD is a limited edition three-disc set containing all episodes from the show's third series, plus a feature length "New Year Special". Synopsis -------- Shameless Series 3 promises plenty of laughs from Manchester's most dysfunctional family--the Gallaghers--as they go about their hectic lives alongside the equally anarchic Maquire family. Join Frank and his six kids--Fiona, Lip, Ian, Debbie, Carl, and Liam-- for whom there is never a dull moment on Chatsworth housing estate. The third series serves up a heady cocktail of sex, drugs, gratuitous violence, love, and scams, so there's something for absolutely everyone!