4 Pack 3.5 inch Metal Corner Protector - Black - Furniture Corner Hardware Corner Bracket Metal Embellishments for Wood Decorative Metal Trim The Tuscan Series by Borderland Rustic Hardware
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4 Pack 3.5 inch Metal Corner Protector - Black - Furniture Corner Hardware Corner Bracket Metal Embellishments for Wood Decorative Metal Trim The Tuscan Series by Borderland Rustic Hardware

Product ID: 539007154
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Every piece of ornamental wrought iron by Borderland Rustic Hardware is hand made from start to finish by our metal artisans. Our blacksmiths have a deeply ingrained sense of pride in their work and genuinely care about the quality of each decorative metal accent that passes through their hands. They are skilled masters in the art of old fashioned age-old forging methods. The products they make are hammered one-at-time with a commitment to preserving the old-world traditions of hand-crafted ironmongery. These traditional methods infuse our chest hardware with an authentic style of craftsmanship, which is evident at first glance. Borderland Rustic Hardware strives to create top-quality hand-forged steel decorative hardware. We specialize in creating fancy hardware decorations that will function and last for many years. We take great pride in the fact that various tradesmen use our furniture corner protectors black to makeover and upgrade and their farmhouse decor trunks, tables. chests, benches & antique pirate trunk hardware projects. We created our hardware for those that believe in using unique and high-quality iron that performs as well as it looks. Our home improvement items can provide value to your chest hardware kit and carpentry projects by enhancing their overall level of authenticity. Looking to enhance your fence or re-energize your farmhouse , tree house, medieval castle or cabins antique trunk hardware or farmhouse rustic hardware , our hand crafted wrought iron brackets for wood are a great and easy solution. Our products are a great addition to many woodworking and diy home improvements project. They can enhance your exterior barn door by adding a an easy decorative element that adds an authentic old word charm. Black metal corner bracket can be a focal point to your work. If you are looking for decorative metal straps for wood to make your decorative hardware for furniture look authentic you have found the right brand.

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