MINICO Iron Studios - Justice League - Knightmare Batman
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MINICO Iron Studios - Justice League - Knightmare Batman

Product ID: 520919172
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With a variation of his uniform, with an overcoat coat and a pair of tactical glasses to protect his eyes in the desert, Batman brings in one hand a binocular to observe his goal, and on the other hand a joker card, trademark of his eternal archenemy. Over a rock-shaped base with the Justice League crest logo at its feet, Iron Studios features its styled statue "Knightmare Batman - Justice League - MiniCo" of the hero in a possible future. In this reality of an alternate timeline, Batman is the leader of a rebel group called "The Insurgency", who oppose the domination imposed by a wicked version of Superman controlled by the villain Darkseid. Alerted by the Flash when the same travels to the past, with the help of a time machine called the cosmic treadmill created by Cyborg, Batman must use all of his intelligence and skills as a detective to understand his speeder friend's message, to change that timeline and save the future. Batman alternative version as a rebel leader in the parallel plot featured in the Justice League film in director Zack Snyder's version has captivated the audience, and now in Pre-Order will have his statue styled in the MiniCo line to add in the collection that increasingly captivates new collectors and fans. Also see the "Superman Black Suit - Justice League - MiniCo" statue with the Man of Steel in his special outfit, and look forward to many more.

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