SUDS-ONLINE Chlorine Floating Dispenser with 50 x 20g Chlorine Tablets for Pools Spa Hot Tub
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SUDS-ONLINE Chlorine Floating Dispenser with 50 x 20g Chlorine Tablets for Pools Spa Hot Tub

Product ID: 51964265
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Product Description Hi-Quality Hi-Quality Multifunctional Chlorine Tablets (20g) A new and improved version of the Chlorine tablets. For EASY maintenance of chlorine levels. Apply via a skimmer, floating dispenser or chlorine feeder (trichlorinator). They have a higher pH value, which reduces the amount of pH regulation you need to do. As well as being stabilised to reduce chlorine loss to sunlight. These tablets contain clarifier and algaecides to help improve clarity and prevent algae formation. When dosed via the skimmer the tablet(s) will dissolve slowly over a 3 to 4 day period, the rate at A new and improved version of the Chlorine tablets. For EASY maintenance of chlorine levels. Apply via a skimmer, floating dispenser or chlorine feeder (trichlorinator). They have a higher pH value, which reduces the amount of pH regulation you need to do. As well as being stabilised to reduce chlorine loss to sunlight. These tablets contain clarifier and algaecides to help improve clarity and prevent algae formation. When dosed via the skimmer the tablet(s) will dissolve slowly over a 3 to 4 day period, the rate at which they dissolve will vary depending upon water flow and temperature. They have a high level of available chlorine and contain chlorine stabiliser. Chlorine Feeders - Fill the dispenser and follow feeder instruction manuals on flow regulation to maintain 1-3 mg/l (ppm) chlorine levels. Floating Dispenser - Fill the Trichlor floating dispenser with tablets and adjust the aperture mechanism at the bottom of the dispenser to obtain the 1-3mg/l (ppm) desired range. Alternatively keep the dispenser aperture constant and vary the tablets inside to achieve 1-3mg/l (ppm). REMEMBER The dispenser should be removed from the pool whilst swimmers are bathing. Precautions - NEVER place tablets directly into the pool as severe bleaching/staining may occur. - Never mix with other chemicals including household cleaners as a dangerous reaction may occur. Directions [Some] instructions for use

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